Voice Training

Bel Canto Vocal Training

For Opera, Musical Theater, Pop, and Sacred Music

Auditioning for a college opera program or summer opera workshop?

Don’t have good Italian or French accent/diction?

Can’t find the right arias?

Don’t Waste Time Trying to Fix This Alone

Don’t waste time with vocalizations that strain your voice. Adda can help you find out how to have a secure and reliable way to perform and sing.

Healing Vocal Methods

With Adda’s training methods, you will quickly experience beneficial changes in your singing.

Relax As You Learn

Learn with encouraging, supportive vocal training sessions. You will be guided to relax as you learn. When tensions are removed, results soar!

Customized Training

Find out which repertoire and songs really fit your voice. Get precise exercises for your unique voice.

Enhance Your Performing Skills

Receive coaching to enhance or accelerate your performing skills. Learn some of the authentic Italian Bel Canto vocal traditions, and why it’s over 250 years of proven effectiveness keeps the voice flexible and strong.

What is Bell Canto?

The Italian Bel Canto method refers to the study and science of singing, and is well over 250 years old. This method has created such legendary singers as Caruso, Callas, Ponselle, Caballé, Sutherland, Pavarotti and Tebaldi. The method of Bel Canto contains the knowledge and secrets of vocal art as transmitted from singing Masters to their students.

In vocal training sessions, Adda shares her direct knowledge of these traditions from her time spent at Indiana University School of Music, as a dedicated voice student of the celebrated Bel Canto specialist, the Italian/Rumanian Soprano Diva, Virginia Zeani.

Contact Adda (310-963-7194) to Get a 30% Discount On a Trial Lesson!

Adda Shur

Master Voice Trainer

Adda’s vocal training and coaching help you shine and perform effectively. Since 1988, she has shared her gifts as a voice expert and holistic voice healer, with hundreds of students on three continents. Many of her former students sing in live concerts, operas, high school and college music programs, choirs, recording studios, or perform as speakers in variety of venues.

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