Speaker Coaching

Speaker Coaching

For Professional Speakers, Actors, Business People, & More 

Have a large speaking engagement coming up? 

Struggling with your pitch or word development??

Don’t Waste Time Trying to Fix This Alone

Adda can help you find out how to have a secure and reliable way to speak.

Healing Vocal Methods

With Adda’s training methods, you will quickly experience beneficial changes in your speaking.

Relax As You Learn

Learn with encouraging, supportive speaker coaching sessions. You will be guided to relax as you learn. When tensions are removed, results soar!

Customized Training

Find out which kind of speaking really fits your voice. Get precise exercises for your unique voice.

Contact Adda (310-963-7194) to Get a 30% Discount On a Trial Lesson!

Adda Shur

Speaking Coach

Adda’s speaker coaching will help you shine and present effectively. Since 1988, she has shared her gifts as a voice expert and holistic voice healer, with hundreds of students on three continents. Many of her former students are professional speakers and singers.

Speaker Coaching Tips, Trend, & News