Helpful Videos
The Voice, Vowels & Resonance: Opera singer Demos an Essential Bel Canto Warmup
Speaker Coaching: Optimizing Your Voice & Unique Message
Vocal Fitness Routines that Really Work
Mental Focus, The Eyes, And Your Voice. What's The Connection?
Your Voice in Mantra Chanting vs. Opera Singing (w/Demo)
Your Money Notes! (Part 1) - Singing Secure High Notes in Opera or Musicals
Your Money Notes! (Part 2) - The Spine & The Voice
Your Money Notes! (Part 3) - How Healthy is Your Head Voice?
Want Energy and Ease Singing Arias? Three Things You Must Do
The Best Way to Quickly Memorize Your New Song or Aria
Too Sensitive or Anxious When Singing? Finding Balance in Your Singing Career
How to Create Calm Focus, Steady Breath and Tone
Too Nervous to Sing Well? Some Options to Consider (Part 11)
Tips for Reducing Performance Anxiety
Bel Canto Warmups for Breath and Resonance
Adda Shur - International Opera Singer Rehearses
How Adda Helps...
Voice Reconditioning Tips, Trend, & News
What It Takes To Recondition Your Voice…
Shurvoice students spend 4- 6 months becoming familiar with my VOGA™ warm-ups. Once the singing body is better balanced, I add some of the more demanding, traditional Bel Canto vocalizes, as needed. Scales, arpeggios, legato, staccato ascending and descending scales,...